Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I'm baaaack!!!!

Hello all!  I know I know.....I have so neglected my scrapbooking projects and blog :( BUT, I have been a busy gal making a lifestyle change by GETTING HEALTHY/FIT!  Yup, between Zumba, Bootcamp, and Running, I have NO TIME to scrapbook :(  However, I made a new years resolution for 2013 to get back on track and continue to do what I love and that is SCRAPBOOK!  Stay tuned for upcoming projects :)


Happily Ever After

Here is another "Memory Tray" I created for a very dear person to me!  This beautiful person (inside and out) is someone who is both family/friend to me!  I wanted to make this keepsake for her to hang in her home to cherish. Congrats to Mayra and Edgar!  Love you....Michelle